The African Future Pledge

Future Generations

African Americans Set Pledge Alarm

Black college students walking on campus

African Americans facing generational poverty by 2053, according to Yul Anderson’s AI-confirmed LinkedIn article on Future of Black Americans 2053, set the alarm for at least five million African Americans to take the African Future Pledge by March 11, 2024, through April 11, 2024.

The grim future awakens African Americans to face the reality of America’s and world powers’ continued refusal of reparations to repair at least some of the economic damages to the African race. Some feel that waiting for reparations has delayed their people’s opportunity to repair economic damages, and now time is running out.

That America now wants African history out of their educational institutions further confirms that African Americans must begin building schools in their communities to ensure their children are educated with authentic African history and technology that will prepare them for a sustainable future.

The goal is to raise one hundred and fifty million monthly, starting with five million, pledging thirty dollars monthly. The remaining forty million African Americans will need to pledge to enjoy the benefits of taking the pledge. The African Future Pledge will start by paying for student’s college tuition and paying off student college debt.

By taking the pledge, African Americans can repair damages, become economically sound, and even secure generational wealth by taking the African Future Pledge at Pledges have been very successful for other nationalities, with one raising sixty-seven trillion dollars for the future of their people.

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