Funding community projects with properties, skilled workers, and necessary materials, training, and employment.
Skilled Trades
List your business to support and secure contracts for community building projects, and employment.
Diaspora B2B
Business to business working together toward securing The African Future.
African Business To Business
If you know of an African community project, please email us with their information.
Brownsville, East New York Strives With Trade Skills Education For Community, Economy and Employment
Ankhenaton Amen-Ra (Darryl Beecham) Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York
Ankhenaton Amen Ra (Darryl Beecham) of Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York, has one of the best programs teaching economic trade skills to the young and old in the community. Older men who thought their lives were over are signing up to learn trade and younger men are diverted from the streets and into trade school and jobs within their community.
Enjoy traveling with a tour group. They will handle all the red tape of travel and protect you as an inexperienced traveler. You can relax and enjoy each day in Africa.